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"I thank you Bridgette, for helping me get on the road to clean healthy eating. People ask me what I have been doing different or what diet I am on? I tell them it is not a diet. It's a new eating life style. All the recipes call for fresh or frozen vegetables. I have learned to roast my vegetables, it gives them a different taste and they are crunchier. People say it's expansive to eat healthy.Not really, if you go to farmers market for vegetables. Then freeze what is left over. I have been on many different diets over the years, but changing unhealthy eating patterns, is easier than the restriction on the other diets. The 6 week start included a plan I could follow, such as recipes, food size charts, that were easy to follow. An exercise program. That was mostly stretches.other exercises were just 30 minutes a day 3 x a week. I work full time, with planning a head I found it quite easy to adapt my new eating habits. In the first 6 weeks I lost 10 pounds. Then I did an additional 4week, I lost 4.5. I am not a perfect person. There were birthday party, family get together, and sometimes I just needed something sweet. I would have a small piece of cake, or what ever everyone else had. I was still able to loss weight. It was an amazing experience that I will keep on with. Brigitte is very compassionate person, she honestly wants to help, and encourage. I feel like I have made a good friend. You don't have to buy special packaged foods or special vitamins. I would recommend anyone that has tried every (diet) without lasting success to give Brigitte a call."

             - L.I.F.E. Nutrition Weight Management & Maintenance Participant


"The meal plans are great"

        - L.I.F.E. Nutrition Weight Management Participant


"Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have given me a new and positive outlook for the rest of my life. I have enjoyed my time with this program and the kowledge I have obtained for my new "rest of my life". "

          - L.I.F.E. Nutrition Weight Management Participant 



"LOVED Brigitte's "Refresh 30 Day Detox!!" I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to loose weight, recharge, and eat healthy. I loved the abundance of information, daily inspiration and encouragement! Brigitte teaches how and why to detox and then encourages you every day. Brigitte's "Refresh" program has given me many tools to keep myself and my family healthy. It's not a diet but a lifestyle you don't want to stray from when the 30 days are done!"
           - Ang Varsava



A review from  a fellow participant of the "Renew" program  (collaboration with Restore Health & Wellness & LIFE Nutrition - Dr. Brigitte Hynes-Taylor)


"So I won a Facebook contest for the 30 day renew program with Restore Health & Wellness. Healthy good recipes, daily inspirational emails, and 30 day fitness class pass for the month of September. Still eating well (except for celebrations at work, but totally worth it!)

This is about my 6 week mark and I feel amazing! So much more energy and a lot less lower back/knee pain I was getting before. Thank you so much for this experience it was tough at first but has totally changed my life for the better!"

        -"Renew" Participant 




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